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Boulevard Crémazie

General goals

  • Mitigate the nuisances generated by the Autoroute Métropolitaine and Boulevard Crémazie to improve the quality of life in neighbouring living environments
  • Intensify and diversify employment activities
  • Improve the area’s image and allow for a more pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly environment

Planning issues

Crémazie functions mainly as a service road for the Autoroute Métropolitaine. The imposing structure of the expressway divides the areas south and north of the boulevard. Still, the quality of the adjacent living environments does not seem to have been affected since the expressway’s construction a half-century ago. However, it is essential to protect these areas and to mitigate the noise nuisances associated with heavy traffic.

The Ministère des Transports du Québec, in collaboration with the Ville de Montréal, will repair and optimize the Métropolitaine, to permit a better integration of the roadway with its environment.

Certain sections of Boulevard Crémazie are well suited for the intensification and diversification of employment activities. A notable example is the intersection of Boulevard Crémazie and Boulevard Saint-Laurent, where the existing building density and uses fail to take full advantage of their location within walking distance of the Crémazie metro station.

The design of the public realm in the area is clearly automobile-oriented. The ambient noise, narrow sidewalks and scant vegetation make the area unpleasant for pedestrians, cyclists or public transportation users. The Expressway’s height and bulk are overwhelming and the continuous north-south streets would benefit from clearer identification. Spaces below the Expressway structure are poorly-lit and underused, making them unwelcoming for pedestrians and cyclists.