Master Plan Master Plan Master Plan
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Master Plan > Part 1 > Chapter 2 > 2.4 > Objectif 10
Promote the development of major institutional employment areas while ensuring their integration with the urban fabric

Montréal benefits from a wide range of institutions that generate a large number of jobs (see Map 2.4.1) in health care, higher education, culture and sports. The Employment Areas Map identifies the major institutional areas that house these large complexes.

The City supports the maintenance and expansion of large institutions in their established environments, notably in Montréal’s Centre (see Objective 5). Their development helps to reinforce employment activities and supports a more intensive use of existing infrastructure, notably public transportation.

Recognizing the dynamism of these institutional activities and their contribution to Montréal’s influence, the City intends to promote their development and to support the establishment of institutions that are well integrated with the urban fabric.

The Plan sets forth one action relative to the development of major institutional employment areas while ensuring their integration with the urban fabric:

10.1 Ensure the harmonious integration of institutions into the urban environment
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