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The contents of the complementary document

The complementary document: an instrument for implementing the Master Plan

The Master Plan outlines a series of planning goals that affect a variety of issues. It translates those goals as objectives, actions and implementation measures. Among these, the complementary document deals with the components requiring regulatory control by the City, or contributing significantly to reaching the goals established by the Master Plan.

The complementary document contains a series of provisions addressed to specific issues in the Plan. Some are associated with one priority issue, although they may also affect other concerns. Therefore, goal 1, “High-quality, diversified and complete living environments,” is not covered by specific measures in the complementary document. The objectives associated with this goal are addressed elsewhere in the document through more specific elements.

On the other hand, some issues require detailed treatment. Thus, the issues of “High-quality architecture and urban landscapes ” and “An enhanced built, archaeological and natural heritage” represent a significant part of the complementary document. These more qualitative issues, require diverse provisions, rules and criteria, which aim to support the creation of high-quality urban environments that are respectful of their distinctive characteristics.

Other issues require less elaborate provisions, when the subjects themselves are more limited in scope, or the objectives concerning them are highly focused. Thus, the provisions regarding parking in the Borough of Ville-Marie are intended to help reach the objectives of goal 2 regarding “Structuring, efficient transportation networks fully integrated into the urban fabric.” The incorporation of bicycle parking areas aims to support this alternative mode of transportation.

Goal 3, “A prestigious, convivial and inhabited Centre,” has led to provisions regarding retail businesses in the Centre which aim to favour its commercial vitality and limit certain uses near residential areas. Controlling the microclimatic impacts of the development projects aims to ensure the quality of the urban environment for pedestrians.

The complementary document contains no provisions regarding goal 4, “Dynamic, accessible and diversified employment areas.”

Goal 5, “High-quality architecture and urban landscapes,” touches most of the measures contained in the complementary document. The protection and quality of Montréal landscapes are important objectives. The notion of landscape is dynamic, evolving, integrative and diversified. In the Montréal context, it refers to various elements and places