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The Green Patrol is Back on the Streets of LaSalle

6 juillet 2020

LaSalle, July 6, 2020 - The Green Patrol, coordinated by Éco-quartier LaSalle, is back on the streets of the Borough to continue its environmental awareness operations among LaSalle residents.

 Until August 21, the patrollers will be going up and down the Borough's streets to encourage residents to adopt good habits for the environment and sustainable development. The ultimate goal is to help residents become agents of change in their own living environment.

"More and more, residents are showing their willingness to go green. As a community, it is our responsibility to encourage the adoption of habits that are more respectful of the environment. The Green Patrol is here to provide additional tools and help residents reduce their ecological footprint," stated Borough Mayor Manon Barbe.

The Green Patrol is made up of four students who are committed to the environment and eco-citizen actions for a sustainable everyday life. Once again this year, its main role is to promote greening and the urban forest, the fight against the emerald ash borer, sustainable water management and the responsible management of waste materials.

This project has been made possible through Service Canada's Summer Jobs Canada program and the participation of Ville de Montréal's Service de l'eau, Service des grands parcs, du verdissement et du Mont-Royal and Service de l'environnement as well as the Borough of LaSalle.

If you have any questions, you may contact Éco-quartier LaSalle at 514-367-6000, ext. 6500.


Source: Direction des relations avec les citoyens, du greffe et des services administratifs - AR