Montréal, 06 March 2015 - With the switch to Daylight Savings Time during the night of March 7 to 8, the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal (SIM) wants to take the opportunity to remind everyone that it is important to check that your smoke alarms are working properly, and to change their batteries if necessary.

The SIM is continuing to raise awareness among Montréal agglomeration residents, in part by encouraging them to inspect their smoke detectors. This Saturday, more than 30 prevention officers, accompanied by some 60 students from the Académie des pompiers and Cégep Montmorency, will be inspecting smoke alarms in a number of boroughs and reconstituted cities of the Montréal agglomeration.

Every year, the SIM regrets the loss of many lives in fires because smoke alarms are missing or not working. Don’t leave your home unprotected. When you change your clocks, take a moment to check your smoke alarm and replace or install the battery. It’s a simple job that can save lives.


Under the By-law concerning the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal, property owners must install smoke alarms on each floor of the building and replace them at least every 10 years. Maintenance of the device, including replacement of the battery, is the tenant’s responsibility. Lastly, in apartment buildings and condos, owners must keep a register of the annual verification of smoke alarms, similar to records of verification of the fire alarm system.

Learn more about smoke alarms and find more fire-prevention tips on the SIM website. You can also find all details regarding fire safety legislation.


Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
Phone: 514-872-7687, from Monday to Friday
Pager: 514-749-7746, evening and weekends

Images for download
Checking a smoke alarm
Un agent de prévention vérifie un avertisseur de fumée

Caption : A prevention officer checks a smoke alarm.

Source : Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal