Smokers’ items rank second among the main causes of accidental fires.

The statistics can be surprising! While the number of smokers continues to decrease, smokers' items remain the cause of numerous building fires on the island of Montréal. No less than 29% of recorded fires involved smokers’ items.

To protect your loved ones and your home from fire hazards, it is important to act with safety in mind. Here are some tips: 

  • Opt for rooms other than your bedroom to smoke in. 
  • Avoid smoking around flammable products contained in aerosol tanks (such as hairspray, for instance), or in oxygen cylinders, etc.  
  • Put out all cigarette butts before you leave the room..
  • Set your ashtray on a stable surface.
  • Use a wide-rimmed ashtray.
  • Empty the content of your ashtray once it is no longer hot le contenu, into a fireproof container. 
  • Smoke outside of your dwelling, using an ashtray that is adequate for outdoor use. 
  • Never put out a cigarette in a flower pot, flower box, in potting soil, mulch or any similar materials.

Children and fire

  • Keep lighters and matches out of the  children’s reach.
  • Teach your children about fire safety.
  • Ask children to let an adult know if they come across a lighter or matches.
  • Keep an eye out for worrisome behaviour your children might have with fire.

Acting responsibly when you smoke reduces the risk of fire. It is up to you to change the statistics! 

*Statistical data source: Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal (SIM), 2020