A fire pump from 1856 at the Montréal Firefighters' Museum
A fire pump from 1856 at the Montréal Firefighters' Museum.
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
Montréal Firefighters' Museum
The Montréal Firefighters' Museum
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
Entrance to the Montréal Firefighters' Museum
Entrance to the Montréal Firefighters' Museum.
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
A map of the city at the Montréal Firefighters' Museum
A map of the city at the Montréal Firefighters' Museum.
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
Photos and items from different eras at the Montréal Firefighters' Museum
Photos and items from different eras at the Montréal Firefighters' Museum.
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
Photos and items from different eras at the Montréal Firefighters' Museum
Photos and items from different eras at the Montréal Firefighters' Museum.
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
A fire pump from 1856 at the Montréal Firefighters' Museum
Montréal Firefighters' Museum
Entrance to the Montréal Firefighters' Museum
A map of the city at the Montréal Firefighters' Museum
Photos and items from different eras at the Montréal Firefighters' Museum
Photos and items from different eras at the Montréal Firefighters' Museum

The Musée des pompiers de Montréal is intended to teach the public about the history of the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal (SIM). It houses a miniature model of an alarm central station, hand pumps, a Merry Weather steam pump dating from 1887, an extensive photo archive, as well as various objects recalling the period during which horses were used to haul fire safety equipment. A wall of honour features helmets worn by firefighters lost in the line of duty. Visitors also learn about the history and developmnent of Montréal's auxiliary firefighters.

Opening hours

The museum is currently closed for renovations

For more information

Telephone: 514-872-3757

Email @email 

Montréal's auxiliary firefighters: Overview

Montréal's auxiliary firefighters have been supporting firefighters on fire scenes since 1944 by distributing blankets, hot beverages, refreshments and dry clothes.

Equipped with rehabilitation units and ambulances, auxiliary firefighters deliver first aid to injured firefighters or treat them for smoke inhalation, and they transport them to hospital when more extensive treatment is required. Auxiliary firefighters also run the Musée des pompiers de Montréal.