The SIM's SIMulateur

The SIM's SIMulator, August 2012.

Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
SIM fire safety educator shares prevention tips with children
SIM fire safety educator shares prevention tips with children, August 2012.
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
Coached by a fire safety educator, children evacuate the SIMulateur amid non-toxic smoke.
Coached by a fire safety educator, children evacuate the SIMulateur amid non-toxic smoke, August 2012.
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
Dchildren evacuate the SIMulateur amid non-toxic smoke
children evacuate the SIMulateur amid non-toxic smoke, August 2012.
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
Coached by a fire safety educator, children evacuate the SIMulateur amid non-toxic smoke
Coached by a fire safety educator, children evacuate the SIMulateur amid non-toxic smoke, August 2012.
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
Two fire safety educators explain firefighters' work to children
Two fire safety educators explain firefighters' work to children, August 2012.
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
A young apprentice learns how heavy a firefighter's self-contained breathing apparatus is.
A young apprentice learns how heavy a firefighter's self-contained breathing apparatus is, August 2012.
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
Children thank a fire safety educator for his visit
Children thank a fire safety educator for his visit, August 2012.
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
The SIM's SIMulateur
SIM fire safety educator shares prevention tips with children
Coached by a fire safety educator, children evacuate the SIMulateur amid non-toxic smoke.
Dchildren evacuate the SIMulateur amid non-toxic smoke
Coached by a fire safety educator, children evacuate the SIMulateur amid non-toxic smoke
Two fire safety educators explain firefighters' work to children
A young apprentice learns how heavy a firefighter's self-contained breathing apparatus is.
Children thank a fire safety educator for his visit

The SIMulator is a recreational vehicle used for fire prevention activities led by the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal (Montréal fire department - SIM for short). The RV is 35 feet long and specially designed to teach safe behaviour in a disaster to both children and adults.  

The SIMulateur is operated by staff from the SIM's public education department and is used  for prevention activities in the Montréal agglomeration. Firefighter/educators use it to simulate emergency situations with residents, giving them a genuine physical and sensorial experience, while offering them useful tips about fire safety and civil protection. 

For children ages 5 and up

The SIMulator travels to schools and day camps!

Children learn and practice safe behaviours that should be used during a fire. They experience a simulated fire with non-toxic smoke, which gives them the opportunity to practice what they've learned, such as crawling through smoke on all fours.

The primary objective for this target group is to develop their reactive mechanisms in an emergency situation.

For adolescents and adults

Fire safety

These target groups are educated about causes of fires, such as cooking fires. How should you react? What should you do before opening a door if smoke appears or is detected in your dwelling? Our fire safety educators will discuss smoke detectors and evacuation plans. 

Civil protection

What are the potential risks to which we are exposed? Do you know how to prepare for them and deal with them? What should be part of your emergency kit? These are just some of the questions that our staff will answer as part of this very special presentation, which includes a simulation. 

Information and reservations

Would you like for our fire safety educators to participate in your event or activity? Contact the public education department at 514-872-4684 for more information.