Here is a list of things to do, people and organizations to contact in the first few days after a fire.

Day 2


  • Make a list of destroyed assets and documents.
  • Contact support organizations. For a complete list of organizations, visit this page: Important Phone Numbers.
  • When possible, have certain services restored and systems and appliances turned on.
  • Contact your insurance adjustor to start renovation or construction work.  
  • Gather all your receipts in an appropriate place.
  • Cancel or change your pending appointments.


  • Make a list of destroyed assets and documents.
  • Contact support organizations. For a complete list of organizations, visit this page: Important Phone Numbers.
  • When possible, have certain services restored and systems and appliances turned on.
  • Gather all your receipts in an appropriate place.
  • Cancel or change your pending appointments.

You will have many things to do in the next few days. Provide a temporary telephone number and address where you can easily be reached: that of a friend, family member or neighbour or where you will be staying. Give this information to all interested parties (insurers, adjusters, designated representative of the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal, etc.). 

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