Une partie de la page couverture du Rapport des activités du SIM 2020
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal

Every year, Montréal’s fire department (SIM) issues its activity report to be presented to the public safety committee (Commission de la sécurité publique). This yearly review highlights the significant mobilization of firefighters and first responders, prevention agents, public safety responders and department staff. 

During the past year, due to the pandemic, the department’s activities have changed and adapted in accordance with public health and distancing requirements. While this situation has contributed to reducing gatherings among citizens, it has shed new light on the essential work carried out by the department’s teams, who have found ways to reinvent their approach.  

The 2020 Activity Report presents the year’s accomplishments, namely the response operations carried out, the human and material losses, as well as the prevention activities rolled out.

Below are are some figures reflecting the department’s 2020 hard work and commitment: 

  • 88 767 emergency response operations by firefighters and first responders;
  • 1 385 building fires;
  • 64 200 homes in which smoke alarms were checked. 

Read the 2020 Activity Report