What are Lists of Values?

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Lists of Values (LOVs) enable end users to choose entry field values in a form or database portlet customization form. Oracle Portal developers can use LOVs when creating database portlets to pre-select the possible values in an entry field. The LOV also makes the entry field easier to use because the end user clicks the mouse to select a value rather than type it.

The database portlet build wizards contain steps that prompt an Oracle Portal developer to optionally choose an LOV for a column in the table or view on which the database portlet is based. Any database portlet built using the column can use the LOV. The wizards also allow the developer to choose a format for displaying the LOV; for example, as a radio button group or check boxes.

For example, an Oracle Portal developer could create a form that allows end users to update the DEPTNO column in the SCOTT. EMP table. The developer could add a List of Values to this form that allows end users to select either Accounting, Operations, Research, or Sales, to update the DEPTNO column.

Oracle Portal provides two methods for creating LOVs:

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