Executing procedures and functions
must have Modify or higher privileges on
the schema that contains the procedure or function in order to
execute it.
To execute a procedure or function:
In the Oracle Portal Navigator, navigate to the list of schemas.
The Name column on the Database Objects tab contains a list of all schemas in the database on which you have View or higher schema access privileges. In the Name column, scroll down to the schema containing the database object you want to find.
Click the schema Name. The Name column updates with a list of objects stored in the schema you selected.
Scroll down to the procedure or function you want to find.
Note To find an object, you
can also enter the name of the database object in the Find field at
the top of the page and click Go.
The actions you can perform on an object display in the Actions column next to each object.
In the Actions column, click Execute.
Enter arguments that will be passed to a procedure or function when you execute it.
If you are executing a procedure that displays a Oracle Portal database portlet (for example, WWV_DEMO.EXAMPLE_FORM.SHOW) or perform some other task (for example: WWV_DEMO.GIVE_RAISE). you will see three arguments defined for the procedure:
You can pass one or more argument names in P_ARG_NAMES and one or more argument values in P_ARG_VALUES. Use a colon (:) to pass multiple elements to an array argument.
For example, when executing the WWV_DEMO.EXAMPLE_FORM.SHOW procedure, which displays a form based on the WWV_DEMO.EMP table, you could enter Name in P_ARG_NAMES, and Clark in P_ARG_VALUES. Name is an argument that corresponding to an entry field on the form.
The form that displays would contain Clark as a default value in the Name entry field. Or you could specify DEPTNO:JOB in P_ARG_NAMES, and 10:MANAGER in P_ARG_VALUES to display the following form. Note that manager and Accounting (10) are selected in this form by default.
If the procedure performs a task other than displaying a Oracle Portal database portlet, the Argument text boxes on this page contain any arguments defined for the procedure. You can click the data type icon next to an argument to obtain additional information about it.
Click Execute.