must have View or higher privileges on
the schema that contains the object in order to view its properties.
You can view the properties of objects stored in the database, including the objects owner, type, and dependencies on other objects. Some of the object information for the SCOTT.EMP table is shown below.
To view properties for an object:
In the Oracle Portal Navigator, navigate to the list of schemas.
The Name column on the Database Objects tab contains a list of all schemas in the database on which you have View access privileges. In the Name column, scroll down to the schema containing the database object.
Click the schema Name. The Name column updates with a list of objects stored in the schema you selected.
Note To find an object, you
can also enter the name of the database object in the Find field at
the top of the page and click Go.
Scroll down to the database object whose properties you want to view. In the Action column next to the object, click Show Properties.