Granting database portlet access privileges

You must have the proper access privileges to perform any action on a database portlet such as running it, editing it, or viewing its source code. By default, you are granted the highest level of access privileges, Manage, on any database portlet you create.

With Manage access privileges on a database portlet, you can grant access privileges such as Manage, Edit, View, Customize, or Execute to other users or groups.

You define access to your database portlet at one of the following levels:


Access to your database portlet is inherited from the provider that owns it. For example, all users who have Execute privileges on the owning provider are automatically granted privileges to execute your database portlet. Users with Edit provider privileges can edit all database portlets owned by the provider, and so forth.


Access to your database portlet is set for each user or group to whom you grant privileges. You can grant different privileges to different users. provider access privileges are overridden by user access privileges.

To grant access privileges on a database portlet to other users or groups, you must have Manage access privileges on the database portlet or the provider that owns it.

To inherit access privileges from the owning provider:

  1. On the Oracle Portal Home page, click on the shortcut bar.

  2. Click the Providers tab in the Oracle Portal Navigator.

    The Name column of the Navigator displays the names of all providers in which you have privileges.

  3. Click the name of the provider that contains the database portlet on which you want to grant access privileges.

  4. In the Actions column next to the database portlet, click Manage. The Manage database portlet page displays.

  5. Click the Access tab.

  6. By default, the Inherit Privileges from provider check box is selected. Leave this check box selected if you want access to your database portlet to be defined by the owning provider.

To grant access privileges to individual users:

  1. Follow steps 1-7 above.

  2. Clear the Inherit Privileges from provider check box, then click Apply. The Access page displays two new sections, Grant Access and Change Access.

  3. In the Grantee field, enter the name of the user or group of users to whom you want to grant privileges. Click the Browse Users or Browse Groups icon to search for users or groups.

  4. Choose an access privilege in the list next to the grantee.

  5. Click Add. The user or group you entered now appears in the Change Access list at the bottom of the page with the access privilege you granted.

  6. (Optional) To modify an access privilege, choose a new privilege next to the user or group in the Change Access list.

  7. (Optional) To remove all privileges, click next to the user or group.

  8. Click Apply.


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What are database portlet access privileges?