What is Oracle9iAS Portal?

Oracle9iAS Portal basics

With Oracle9iAS Portal, you can create a window into your enterprise for each user or class of users, based on job functions or roles. Each window or page can bring together information from disparate data sources and provide access to them from a single entry point. Each page is equipped with customization and security mechanisms, so you have control over who can view the pages or change the data within them.

For example, a financial analyst's page would likely include different sources of financial information and software. How would you build this with Oracle9iAS Portal?

First, create your users using one of Oracle9iAS Portal's administration features. From the same interface, create a group called Analysts that contains all the users in the financial analysts department. Next, make sure that all of the information stored on a Oracle9iAS Portal page group is exposed to the portal so that you'll be able to display it in your pages. Doing this is as easy as checking a box. Finally, build your page, using Oracle9iAS Portal's page creation wizard to lead you through the process step by step. You configure the page into regions, perhaps something like this:

Regions of a page

Within each region, use the Add Item and Add Portlets icons to add information for the financial analysts at your page. Your data sources can be an Portal DB provider, a page from a Oracle9iAS Portal page group, or selected items from that page group. You can even incorporate data from outside sources, assuming you've registered the sources with Oracle9iAS Portal.


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