must have Full Administrator privileges on the Single Sign-On Server
to change any of its settings.
You must be a portal administrator to access the Administer tab.
The Single Sign-On (SSO) Server provides a mechanism that enables a user to log in securely to Oracle9iAS Portal and any partner and external applications using a single user name and password. You can access the Single Sign-On Server from either OracleiAS Portal or the SSO home page.
In the SSO Server Administration portlet, click:
Edit SSO Server Configuration to configure the Oracle Single Sign-On server.
Administer Partner Applications to add, edit, or delete a partner application. Partner applications delegate authentication services to the Single Sign-On Server.
Administer External Applications to add, edit, or delete an external application. External applications authenticate users through their own HTML login forms.
Note: By default, the SSO Server Administration portlet is on the Administer tab of the Builder page.
For more information about the Single Sign-On Server, refer to the Oracle9i Application Server Security Guide.