Where do I go to find out information about my portal?

Customer Reporting: How many logins per day does the portal receive? How often are users viewing a page or portlet?

Monitoring: How is my portal performing overall?

Performance Reporting: How long have portlets been taking to execute? What is the slowest/fastest portlet?

Diagnostics: I can't start my portal, what's wrong?

Customer Reporting

How many logins per day does the portal receive? How often are users viewing a page or portlet?

There are a number of reports available that execute against data collected by the performance logging service of mod_plsql. For a full description of how to implement this logging service, see the technical note Performance Monitoring with modPLSQL in Oracle9iAS Portal on Portal Center.

For information about how the reports that are available, see the technical note Object Access Reporting from the Performance Logs in Oracle9iAS Portal, also on Portal Center.


How is my portal performing overall?

To monitor the performance of Portal's dependent components such as the Oracle HTTP Server, mod_plsql, Parallel Page Engine, Oracle 9i Database, Single Sign-On Server and Providers, use Oracle Enterprise Manager.

For more information about Oracle Enterprise Manager, go to Oracle Technology Network.

For information about how to access Oracle Enterprise Manager's Portal Monitoring Services directly from your portal, see Monitoring in Oracle9iAS Portal.

Performance Reporting

How long have portlets been taking to execute? What is the slowest/fastest portlet?

There are a number of reports available that execute against data collected by the performance logging service of mod_plsql. For a full description of how to implement this logging service, see the technical note Performance Monitoring with modPLSQL in Oracle9iAS Portal on Portal Center.

For information about the reports that are available, see the technical note Object Access Reporting from the Performance Logs in Oracle9iAS Portal, also on Portal Center.


I can't start my portal, what's wrong?

The Oracle9iAS Portal Diagnostic Agent helps you gather information when you are troubleshooting issues after installing Oracle9iAS Portal. The problems can vary from accessing the portal, to users getting errors at different levels within the portal. You can diagnose the issue by reviewing the results from the Portal Diagnostic Agent output. Alternatively, you can upload the files to Oracle Support for them to troubleshoot your problem.

  1. Download the latest Portal Diagnostic Agent script (PDA90.ZIP) from Portal Center.

  2. Unzip the PDA90.ZIP file into a folder.

    Note: The PDA90.sql script assumes that your Portal schema is PORTAL, and the Single Sign-On schema is ORASSO. If this is not the case, please replace occurrences of PORTAL and ORASSO with the appropriate schema names in the PDA90.sql file.

  3. Login to SQL*Plus using the Portal schema user name and password and execute the PDA90.sql script as follows:

    SQL> @<path>\PDA90.sql

    For example:

    SQL> @D:\PDA90.sql

    This generates a PDA_MAIN90.html spooled file in the bin directory of the home from where you ran SQL*Plus. Use this file to diagnose what is wrong with your portal.

Related topics

Monitoring in Oracle9iAS Portal