The SIM encourages you to read and follow the prevention tips in this section to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. These tips could save your life!

cigarettes à l'intérieur

Smokers’ items

The number of smokers continues to decrease, smokers' items remain the cause of numerous building fires on the island of Montréal. No less than 29% of recorded fires involved smokers’ items.
Borne d'incendie.

Fire Hydrants

Under the By-law concerning the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal, fire hydrants must be unobstructed for clear access by firefighters and their equipment at all times.
Quatre bougies allumées

Candles and oil lamps

Candles and oil lamps are more and more common: All the more reason to handle these items carefully.
Un bol à fondue.

Fondue burners

Here are some tips for using a fondue burner with liquid or gel fuel.
Appareil de chauffage central


To use your heater safely, whether it's central heating or a supplementary heat source, we recommend you take certain precautions.
Cigarettes électroniques.

Electronic Cigarette

The electronic cigarette, a device equipped with a battery and a microprocessor, has gained popularity among Quebecers in recent years.
Prise électrique


Temporary or permanent electric fixtures are major fire hazards. A few precautions must be taken.
Du matériel entreposé dans un garage.


Here are some tips for safe storage in your home.
Extincteur portatif.

Portable fire extinguishers

All residents should have a portable extinguisher and know how to use it so they can be able to control the start of a fire.
Un feu de camp.

Outdoor fires

Outdoor fires produce smoke that contains a number of toxic substances. They are prohibited on the island of Montréal except under special circumstances.
Un foyer à l'éthanol.

Gas fireplaces

Gas fireplaces have certain risks. Here are some tips for using them safely.
La ville de Montréal lors d'une journée de froid intense.

Intense cold

During periods of intense cold, follow these instructions for safe use of your heating appliances.

Information for seniors

The Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal is intent on helping seniors become more aware of the importance of adopting certain behaviours in order to reduce the risk of fire and injury.
Pas de mégots dans les pots

No butts in the flower pots

Every year, cigarette butts in flower pots and flower beds cause numerous fires in Montréal and hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages.
Des feux d'artifices.


Authorization must be obtained from the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal for any use of fireworks.
Chacun des membres d'une famille participe à l'élaboration du plan d'évacuation.

Evacuation plan

Create an evacuation plan with all members of your family and practice fire drills twice a year.

Household Dryers

Your fire department invites you to comply with the following basic safety rules when operating hosehold dryers.