
Amélie Boudot

Amélie Boudot Amélie Boudot holds a master's degree in urban planning from the Université de Montréal and a bachelor's degree in international relations and international development. She is particularly interested in the development of quality and inclusive urban living environments. Currently a community development and planning consultant in a consulting engineering firm, she previously coordinated the integrated urban revitalization (RUI) process for the City of Laval and was a gender advisor for Oxfam in Honduras. She is also a member of the Women and Development Committee of the Association québécoise des organisations de coopération internationale (AQOCI). She joined the Conseil des Montréalaises because she wants to contribute to building a city where all women can enjoy their right to the city and live in safety, access quality local services, get around easily and participate fully in the social and political spheres of urban life.