Master Plan Master Plan Master Plan
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Collaborative planning with institutions

The City is committed to supporting the development of its major institutions (see Objective 10). (pointer vers U1P1C2O10) Their growth is very desirable, but their integration into the surrounding urban fabric is often a challenge. Generally of imposing height and bulk, institutional buildings are also major traffic generators. Many of these institutions are located on sites that have significant built and natural heritage value.

In order to meet the expansion needs of these institutions, the City favours a concerted planning approach that will enable both partners to properly identify planning issues and stakeholders relative to development. These efforts may result in the adoption of regulatory measures (zoning by-laws, by-laws pursuant to article 89 of the City Charter, a specific project procedure) and, if appropriate, a development agreement respecting the non-regulatory aspects that are brought to light during the discussions (development principles and strategies, studies, joint projects, various commitments, etc.).

The Plan’s Implementation Partners

The success of the June 2002 Montréal Summit resulted from the sustained cooperation of many of the City’s partners. In keeping with the commitments made on that occasion, the City will take the lead in implementing the Master Plan, in close cooperation with various public, private and community partners, as well as with the participation of all residents.

Public and parapublic partners

The governments and their agencies are major stakeholders in urban development. They are responsible for major infrastructure projects such as metro line extensions, hospitals, cultural facilities, the port, the airport and others.

The City intends to pursue its long-standing cooperation with the Government of Québec in terms of implementing capital projects and programs. It will also continue to cooperate with the Government of Canada on capital projects that fall under the latter’s exclusive jurisdiction.

Various public partnerships could be forged in order to carry out the projects identified in the Master Plan. For example, the development of the Quartier international de Montréal and the reopening of the Lachine Canal bear witness to a successful collaboration.

The City will also cooperate with other public partners, such as the Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT), in carrying out public transportation projects. This also applies to the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) for the development and implementation of the Schéma métropolitain d’aménagement et de développement (Metropolitan Land Use Planning and Development Plan) and the Plan métropolitain de gestion des matières résiduelles (Metropolitan Waste Management Plan).

Education and health care institutions, especially the universities and hospitals, also rank among the City’s partners. The City has already embarked upon collaborative planning efforts with some of these institutions for their development. An agreement was also reached with the universities to give the City the benefit of their expertise and their capacity for innovation in the fields of architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture.