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Policies, Plan and Strategies

Following the June 2002 Summit, the Ville de Montréal undertook the development of a set of targeted policies, plans and strategies referred to in the Master Plan.

The following policies are discussed further in the appropriate sections of Chapter 2 in Part I:

  • Stratégie de revitalisation urbaine intégrée (Integrated Urban Revitalization Strategy, see Objective 1;
  • Schéma directeur de développement des équipements de loisir (Recreational Facilities Development Plan), see Objective 1;
  • Stratégie d'inclusion du logement abordable (Affordable Housing Inclusion Strategy), see Objective 2;
  • Plan de transport (Transportation Plan), see Objective 3;
  • Politique de développement culturel (Cultural Development Policy), see Objective 5;
  • Stratégie de développement économique (Economic Development Strategy), see Objective 8;
  • Politique de l'arbre (Tree Policy), see Objective 11;
  • Politique sur l'affichage commercial (Commercial Signage Policy), see Objective 13;
  • Politique du patrimoine (Heritage Policy), see Objective 15;
  • Politique de protection et de mise en valeur des milieux naturels (Policy Respecting the Protection and Enhancement of the Natural Environment), see Objective 16;
  • Plan stratégique de développement durable (Sustainable Development Strategic Plan), see Objective 17;
  • Plan municipal de gestion des matières résiduelles (Waste Management Policy), see Objective 17;
  • Politique d'atténuation du bruit (Noise Reduction Policy), see Objective 18.
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More than 1,400 people responded to the Call for Ideas, which was held from November 2002 to June 2003. The objective was to survey Montrealers about what they would like to improve in their neighbourhood and City.

The main issues raised by respondents were the following:

  • quality of life;
  • transportation problems;
  • presence of a healthy natural environment;
  • protection and enhancement of the built heritage;
  • community facilities.

Mount Royal was designated as Montréal’s most significant site.

Fourteen elementary schools also took part in the children’s section of the Call for Ideas. The children generally raised the same issues as the adults and used drawings to illustrate the urban environment of their dreams.


The nature and scope of the Master Plan

The Master Plan is a social contract between the Ville de Montréal, governments, private and community partners and Montrealers in general. The Plan's vision of the future, based on a ten-year horizon, rests on an analysis of the present context and issues. However, this vision is not meant to be static. The Master Plan must be viewed as dynamic and evolving. It will be amended as needed to deal with emerging issues following an open public discussion and consultation process. Moreover, the City intends to revise the Plan every five years.

This first Master Plan for Montréal respects the requirements established by the Act respecting Land Use Planning and Development by setting the City's urban development goals, as well as the regulatory guidelines for land use and building density. The boroughs, which are responsible for urban planning by-laws, will bring their existing by-laws into conformity with the Plan within twelve months of its adoption. Similarly, Montréal's Master Plan will also conform to the future Schéma métropolitain d'aménagement et de développement (Metropolitan Land Use Planning and Development Plan) to be adopted in 2005 by the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM).

The Plan is innovative in many respects. Firstly, by working from a cross-sectional perspective on planning issues and implementation measures, the Plan departs from a conventional sectorial approach. Secondly, the Plan sets out a municipal investment strategy that links objectives and projects to specific municipal financial tools. A number of the City's sectorial policies to be implemented over the next few years are also reflected in the Master Plan.

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