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2006-2007 Master Plan Implementation Progress Report


The 2006-2007 Progress Report includes two parts, structured according to the Plan's main implementation tools. The first describes the actions of the Ville de Montréal and its partners that have been undertaken or completed between May 2006 and June 2007. The policies and strategies developed by the Ville de Montréal, to which the Plan makes reference, are the first tool. In addition to a brief description of these policies and strategies, the Report indicates how far their development and/or implementation have advanced.

The second section of the 2006-2007 Progress Report focuses on the detailed planning efforts outlined in the Master Plan. Detailed planning concentrates on areas of the city that present complex urban planning issues and, consequently, require further analysis and/or studies. The City will therefore complete a process of detailed planning in each of these areas, employing an integrated approach suited to their unique planning issues. The 2006-2007 Progress Report presents, for many of these areas, the results of planning and design work that has been completed in the past number of months.

The Progress Report then discusses the status of programs and funding strategies undertaken by the Ville de Montréal and its partners in pursuit of objectives identified in the Master Plan. For the year 2006-2007, these actions fall under five major headings: housing, transportation networks, economic development, the quality of Centre’s design and the environment.

In addition, the Progress Report provides an overview of the ongoing revision of the municipal regulatory framework that has followed the adoption of the Master Plan. The revision deals primarily with the creation of concordance regulations to ensure that Borough urban planning by-laws conform to the Plan.

Finally, part I conclude on a novelty; a brief description of major projects, realized or still in elaboration, which demonstrate their quality regarding the applications of orientations and objectives of Montréal’s Master Plan. The City emphasize in this way project’s contribution to the evolution of Montréal’s territory.

2006-2007 Progress Report stands out by the fact that it is more exhaustive regarding the follow-up of socio-economic trends leading planning and land development. De facto, part II proposes a series of ten indicators that are described and analyzed, which three are presented for the first time. Those ten indicators are the following (these documents are only available in French ):

  1. Population;
  2. New dwelling units;
  3. New affordable dwelling units;
  4. Rental housing;
  5. Employment;
  6. Public transit trips;
  7. Public transit service;
  8. Cars and light trucks;
  9. Bikeways;
  10. Freight transport.  

Part II claim to be more complete with the addition of a monitoring chart revealing some 30 facts grouped under four themes, namely economy and investments, housing, transport and environment.