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Modifications to the Master > Modifications April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007
Le Plateau-Mont-Royal

City Council has adopted a by-law modifying the Master Plan:

"La carte intitulée "La densité de construction" du Plan d'urbanisme de la Ville de Montréal (04-047) est modifiée par la création d'un nouveau secteur à transformer ou à construire "11-T4", sur un territoire formé par le lot 2335604 au cadastre du Québec."

The updated version of the map "Building Density" is now available in section 3.1.2, while the extract of this map showing the Borough of Plateau-Mont-Royal is available in its Borough Document.

April 23, 2007
Le Sud-Ouest

City Council has adopted a by-law modifying the Master Plan.

The updated version of the maps and illustrations "Employment Areas", "Business and Retail Areas to be Densified while Creating New Public Transit Corridors", "Employment Areas to be Redevelopped while Making Structuring Interventions to the Road Network", "Large Abandoned Industrial Sites to be Developped as Employment Areas", "Areas suited for transformation to mixed-use activities", "Land Use Designation" and "Building Density" is now available.

The extract of the maps "Land Use Designation", "Building Density" and "Building Heights" showing the borough of Sud-Ouest is available in its Borough Document.

April 23, 2007

City Council has adopted a by-law modifying the Master Plan:

"La fiche descriptive accompagnant la carte intitulée "La densité de construction" du Plan d'urbanisme de Montréal (04-047) est modifiée par le remplacement, dans le secteur 24-C2, de la densité minimale de 0,7 par une densité minimale de 0,3."

The updated version of the map "Building Density" is now available in section 3.1.2, while the extract of this map showing the Borough of Verdun is available in its Borough Document.