Master Plan Master Plan Master Plan
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Master Plan > Part III > 5 - High-quality architecture and [...] > 5.3 - Large and medium [...] - 3/4


  • Any rooftop equipment visible from a public thoroughfare must be integrated into the building or hidden by a screen that is integrated into the architecture of the building.
  • The greening of roofs is encouraged.

Loading docks

  • Loading docks and areas must be located or positioned in such a way as to minimize the impacts associated with truck traffic and deliveries, particularly near residential environments.

Trash storage areas

  • Trash storage areas must be integrated into the architecture of the building and be designed so as to minimize the nuisances associated with them, particularly noise and odours.

Parking structures

  • Any building intended for parking purposes must fit harmoniously with the architectural features of the main building and present at least equivalent architectural quality.


Outdoor storage

  • Outdoor storage must be consigned to an area reserved for this purpose and must be integrated into the building’s architecture and landscaping.

Pedestrian traffic

  • The project must ensure the construction of safe, attractive pedestrian walkways from the public thoroughfare to the entrance of each building or establishment. In addition, the parking area must include sidewalks or other protected walkways in order to ensure that pedestrians can safely access the parking area.

Buffer zone

  • Next to living environments, landscaping must include a buffer zone to mitigate the impacts generated by the presence of commercial activities.