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Master Plan > Part 1 > Chapter 2 > 2.7 > Objectif 19 > Action 19.1 - 5/5

Overhead power lines

Overhead power lines are a constraint on land use. The construction of buildings or swimming pools is prohibited in all power line rights-of-way. As a general rule, the rights-of-way for lines carrying a current of 735 kV or less can be used for gardening and horticulture. Some recreational uses, notably the construction of a bicycle or pedestrian path, can be considered, with Hydro-Québec’s approval. However, no parking lots can be developed in the right-of-way of a power line carrying a current of 735 kV.

In addition, in association with Hydro-Québec, the City will evaluate the possibility of burying some of these power lines for aesthetic and practical reasons, as has been done with certain lines in the central part of the Island . This measure will be favoured particularly in more densely built areas and in areas to be densified.

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