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Master Plan > Part 1 > Chapter 2 > 2.7 > Objectif 19 > Action 19.1 - 2/5
Flood-prone areas and streams

In 1996, the Government of Québec revised its Politique de protection des rives, du littoral et des plaines inondables (Policy on Lakeshores, Riverbanks, Littoral Zones and Floodplains), by virtue of the conditions outlined in the Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement (Law governing the Quality of the Environment). The policy focuses, among other things, on maintaining and improving the quality of lakes and waterways by granting baseline protection for shorelines and littoral zones and ensuring the security of people and property by establishing restrictions on construction and other work carried out in flood-prone areas and on riverbanks.

The measures and standards included in Québec’s policy may be integrated into the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal’s (CMM) Metropolitan Land Use Planning and Development Plan. As a result, borough planning by-laws will be brought into conformity with these standards. In the meantime, the protective measures appearing in the complementary document of the Development Plan drawn up by the former Communauté urbaine de Montréal (Montréal Urban Community) remain in effect across Montréal.

In addition, the City’s Politique de protection et de mise en valeur des milieux naturels (Policy respecting the Protection and Enhancement of the Natural Environment) will also determine the ecological value of all wetlands and aquatic environments within Montréal’s territory (see Objective 16). The City will then determine various protection and enhancement measures, along with implementation priorities.

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