Master Plan Master Plan Master Plan
Master Plan
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Master Plan > Part 1 > Chapter 2 > 2.5 > Objectif 14 > Action 14.2 - 1/2
Improve the integration of public transportation infrastructures into the urban landscape

Public transportation corridors play a role in structuring the City, both through their physical presence and ability to attract activity as well as the urban liveliness generated by their use.

The integration of existing and planned public transportation infrastructure with the urban fabric is a major concern for the City, particularly in areas that are already urbanized, of heritage value or with important development potential. The creation of a light rail transit system (LRT) under study for Parc and René-Lévesque West (see Objective 3) is part of this focus.

The Plan also aims to enhance the perception and image of public transportation in order to encourage its use. Thus the public spaces around metro, commuter train and intermodal stations, particularly the waiting areas, warrant special attention to facilitate access and create a safe and pleasant environment that meets the needs of every type of user.

Implementation measures

  • Ensure, in cooperation with stakeholders, the integrated planning of public transportation infrastructure projects while taking into account their impact on the surrounding urban environment and their contribution to the character and vitality of the areas they cross.
  • Design the public spaces around metro, commuter train and intermodal stations in keeping with the stated development principles.
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