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Montréal Recreational Facilities Development Plan

The City has undertaken the preparation of a Schéma directeur de développement des équipements de loisirs de Montréal (Montréal Recreational Facilities Development Plan), which is scheduled to be adopted in the fall of 2006. This plan will include a Recreational Facilities Development Plan for each borough.

The Plan will include four major items:

  • A quantitative inventory;
  • A qualitative inventory;
  • Projections based on demographic trends;
  • Recommendations pertaining to investment priorities, based on future needs.
Improve community services by maintaining or establishing local public or institutional facilities in living environments

Montréal's living environments include a wealth of community facilities: elementary and secondary schools, places of worship, libraries, community gardens, cultural centres, sports and community centres and health and long-term care institutions.

Local public or institutional facilities are closely tied to their environment by history or vocation. They contribute to neighbourhood community life and cultural development, reinforce residents' sense of belonging and encourage participation in sports, recreation and outdoor living. A balanced distribution of these facilities, easily accessible on foot and able to respond to a diverse population, contributes greatly to the quality of Montréal's existing living environments.

Recognizing the importance of these public and institutional facilities, the City intends to support their continued presence, or the establishment of new facilities, while first exploring the potential of existing buildings.

In addition, to serve all its boroughs the City is preparing a Politique de développement culturel (Cultural Development Policy) for adoption in the fall of 2004 that focuses on facilitating public access to arts and culture and improving cultural facilities
(see Objective 5).

Implementation measures

  • Adapt public facilities to the needs of the City's residents, particularly to ensure universal access.
  • Ensure that the City's public and institutional facilities respond to the diverse needs of its population.
  • Give priority to the reuse of abandoned institutional buildings for public or institutional purposes.
  • Develop and implement the Schéma directeur de développement des équipements de loisirs de Montréal (Montréal Recreational Facilities Development Plan).
  • Develop and implement the Politique de développement culturel (Cultural Development Policy), slated for adoption in fall of 2004 (see Objective 5).
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