Master Plan Fermer

Jobs by employment sector, Montréal 2001

number of jobs
Percentage City number of jobs Percentage
Wholesale commerce, transportation and warehousing
Consumer services
Finance, insurance and real estate
Business services
Public services, education and health care
Information technology and culture
Other sectors*
Total, all sectors
285 350
189 320
385 890
107 490
190 910
376 215
39 105
50 450
1 622 710
17,5 %
11,7 %
23,8 %
6,6 %
11,8 %
23,3 %
2,4 %
3,1 %
100,0 %
194 485
132 145
237 310
83 235
151 205
256 960
35 450
22 000
1 112 820
17,5 %
11,9 %
21,3 %
7,5 %
13,6 %
23,1 %
3,2 %
2,0 %
100,0 %

* Including primary industry and construction
Source : Statistics Canada Census 2001, Custom Product - Workplaces