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  The online PUBLICATIONS section allows visitors to obtain certain publications and maps produced by the city’s corporate services and by the boroughs.

Publication searches are free and available at all times. You can use the system to obtain certain publications in electronic form or to find out how to obtain documents that only exist in print.

Visitors may also subscribe to one or more distribution lists so that they can be advised when new publications are produced by the city’s corporate services and boroughs.

Minimum system requirements
JAVA and JAVAScript must be enabled in your browser to use the form search service. These languages are enabled by default in recent browser versions.

Your screen must display at least 256 colours with a minimum resolution of 800 X 600 pixels.

Web browser
To perform confidential transactions over the online service, you must be using Microsoft Explorer 5.x or Netscape 6.x or higher, which contain 128-bit encryption protocols. Prior versions may not prove as reliable in protecting your information. You can download the necessary version from your browser’s Web site.

The search form appearing on the home page of the PUBLICATIONS site will help you locate the publications you are seeking.

Keyword and topical search
You can search by keyword or topic. If you submit several keywords, separate each with a space. “Topics” correspond with the major categories used to organize city and borough publications.

Published by
You can also search by publisher. If you do not know the publisher’s exact name, you can select a more general choice from a list of publication owners. Select “All” to search within all publications. Select “Corporate services” to search within all city publications and select “All Boroughs” to obtain all borough publications on a given topic.

Search results
Search results will appear as a list giving the publication’s name, its degree of relevance to your request and its number and publication date. Access your choice by clicking on the publication’s name.

If your keyword or topical search comes up empty, you can use the same screen to perform a new search.

Publication details
After finding and selecting a publication on the list that is of interest to you, please view the publication details displayed on the screen. For example, the publication’s title and a brief description, as well as a miniature image of the cover may appear (if available). If there is no charge for the publication, the system will let you download it and display the file size and number of pages contained in the document.

Acrobat Reader must be installed on your system to view the publication. You can download this software for free by clicking the button in the left column.

If the publication is not available in electronic form, the publisher will provide information on how you may obtain it and its cost, if any.

Please contact us should any questions or problems arise. You can send us an email using the Customer Service form or call as at 311 or 514-872-0311 (outside Montreal), 24 hours a day.